
Edge to Edge Quilting

$0.026/sq. in

Edge to Edge quilting is an overall pattern that runs continuously across the entire quilt in a single thread color.

To calculated the estimated cost of quilting multiple the length (in inches) x width (in inches) x 0.026

The square inch charge for small projects often does not reflect the time it takes to quilt them so there is a minimum charge of $40

Custom Quilting

$0.036 – 0.10/sq. in

Custom Quilting can vary widely in the amount of detail using different patterns, quilting methods and thread colors. A simple edge to edge with a different border pattern would be at the lower price range and competition / heirloom quilting would be at the upper end. I would happily review your quilt and discuss desired quilt treatments and give an estimate beforehand.



100% cotton batting in 96″ and 120″
80/20 cotton poly in 120″
80/20 black cotton poly in 96″

These are provided at cost with quilting services


$10 – 25

Attach prepared binding to quilt top and mitre corners. Cost depends on size. Return to you for trimming and hand sewing to back.